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An Overview of Dissecting Lab Instruments that are used in Biology Laboratory!

An Overview of Dissecting Lab Instruments that are used in Biology Laboratory!

Anatomy is known for being around for a long period of time and dissection is the act of opening the inside of an animal’s body to understand its anatomy. 

This act helps to see all the living parts of their body. A lot of people dissect a frog, cat or pig during this unit but some even dissect plants and fungi. If you are new about how to go about dissection, then here is an overview. 

~ Safety Equipment: This is the most important as they help in securing our body while dissecting. Also, it is essential that you take precautions. When an animal is getting dissected, it is placed in formaldehyde which is not good for humans. Therefore, whenever there is dissection going on, you should wear gloves, lab coat and goggles. 

~ Dissection Tray: This is to protect the workspace. When you are working, you would not want to hurt the work station. Therefore, the dissection tray has a metal bottom which has plastic insert. These plastic inserts can be removed when the work is done. 

~ Scalpel: This instrument is like small razor blade and is attached to a metal or plastic handle. They can help in making an incision of the body of the dissected animal. 

~ Scissors: These dissection scissors are different than normal scissors and they are used to cut open the muscle and open the internal organs. They can cut a connective tissue and help you see the insides of the intestines of the animal. 

~ Forceps: These are helpful to grab the small pieces of tissue or organs and keep in place. They can also be utilized in removing organs and holding parts of the body.

~ Needle: These can be used as those fine pointed tools where you can hold the sample in place while you dissect its body. This can also be used as a pointer when you are trying to show your fellow mates the structures or the organs.