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 How to make learning Chemistry easy for students?

How to make learning Chemistry easy for students?

Chemistry is the most interesting and fun part of science. It is loved by some but feared by many. That is because of the various reactions and multiple elements and compounds present in the subject. 

The essence of this branch is to learn and have a deep understanding of how the matter around us is affecting the environment and also learn about its properties and reactions. But for a lot of science and school students, this might sound pretty hard and boring. They would obviously think it’s a lot of work observing and taking note of a series of reactions and their properties. But, the teachers can make Chemistry easy to learn. 

Here is a brief guide on how to accomplish the mission:

First things first, the teachers should pre-plan on what he/she is going to be teaching the students about the subject. The prerequisites for the class need to be planned and the students should be well informed about it. Also, once you plan on what to explain them, you need to think of different ways of explaining the concept of the subject to them. You can make use of the technology. There is a huge improvement in the education sector due to the acute use of technology. It is actually helping to solve many of the problems. 

You can make sure of simulations and graphics to induce an interest in the child’s mind. Also, you can tell about the basic terms and definitions by showing infographics. Now, while you explain the important procedures, show them video clips, real-life incidents, and examples from home. This way, the students will connect more to the subject and accept it as a part of life.

The best thing to do is to make them do those reactions in the chemistry laboratory. Arrange a two-hour chemistry laboratory session every week and demonstrate various reactions and procedures in front of them. Also, teach them the basic parameters of the procedure. Tell them about various chemistry lab equipment used in the laboratory and also specify their uses. 

Also, make them learn the reactions by making use of mnemonics and easy words to memorize the reactions.

Thus, these are some of the ways where the teachers can make learning chemistry easy and super fun.