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How to set up a mathematics laboratory in school?

How to set up a mathematics laboratory in school?

A math lab is a very essential space to learn the fundamentals and the basic concepts of math. Setting this up would require some help and planning but it can be done if you just have the right guidance. 

So what is a mathematics laboratory?

It is a place or a class where the instructor or the teacher teaches the students some concepts in a funny and interactive way. 

You can have this little space anywhere. Either in the school, an education training center or in any university. All you need is some proper equipment to set everything up. Also, this lab helps the students and the teachers in so many ways.  
This is quite essential for them because they helped in teaching the students concepts in a quicker way. Also, with this facility, the students could do away with so many unnecessary books. 

Now, if you are preparing a math lab, it should be minimalistic. All the unnecessary posters, or unrelated textbooks are distractions. So, remove all of them in the room.

Have a few desks and ensure there is a clear whiteboard. The tables and the chairs have to be placed enough so that the students can comfortably sit. Also, you need to make sure there is room for the students to work.

This is the general layout of the laboratory. Now if you are coming to the equipment required, here is a list:

~ Whiteboard markers of different colors
~ Duster.
~ Calculators
~ Math props 
~ Formulae charts
~ Graph papers
~ Protractors
~ Rulers

These are some basic equipment which is required in the laboratory. Also, the equipment keeps changing with the change in grades and classes. 

So, thus we have shared a small idea of how you are going to do a math lab set up. This is a place where you can demonstrate how to use math in a fun and effective way. Like you can incorporate many examples from the real life. 

So, try and making the math lab fun to be in for the students!