How to take care of your high school laboratory equipment?
It’s crucial to organize the lab equipment properly in the high school. This is because it is a gateway for practical knowledge and to make the students understand the basics of the scientific concepts. Let’s be clear of one thing. How did we ever know what an apple was unless and until we saw it with our own eyes? In the same manner, how can a student know what happens in a chemical reaction unless he/she observes?
Thus, the teachers and the lab assistants should make sure that the lab is kept updated and well taken care of instead of just purchasing the lab instruments in the start of the school. Everyone who is taking care of it is supposed to make sure they make right efforts to keep up the services.
Here are a few ways you can keep your lab and its instruments updated:
~ Cleanliness:
We all keep our homes neat so that we don’t get any diseases. Also, the high school laboratory is the home of many substances and instruments. It is mandatory that the place should always be cleaned after the work is done. It is completely necessary so that you can get consistent results and improve the functional life of the products.
~ Calibration and error services:
For any instrument to work effectively and properly, you should always ensure its calibration and error services are done. You may ask why this is necessary?
It is necessary because this will help you to get accurate results and not any corrupted ones.
~ Repairing:
Do not delay for giving for servicing of any devices if they are spoilt or not working. Like the famous idiom goes, “a stitch in time, saves nine”, we should always make sure to get the products or the devices properly functional before any major breakdown. Again, we always want to use products for a longer period of time. Thus, you should always make sure you maintain them well.
You can outsource when the time comes for repairing. You can also create a calendar where you get all your devices and equipment checked by the technician twice or thrice in a year.
~ Refurbishing Process:
Always make sure you refurbish the devices and items in the laboratory. This is done so that they work for longer period of time and give the desired results. These devices make your life easier by coming to conclusions of various complex scientific researches and experiments. It’s okay if we help them become better too!