What is Electromagnetic induction describe it by an experiment?
Electromagnetic Induction is a like an an opposite or a complementary phenomenonto the electromagnetism.
This is a phenomenon where you produce electricity from a magnetic field. In electromagnetism, there is a proper magnetic field from the electricity. But in electromagnetic induction, there is a requirement of motion between the magnet and the coil so as to produce voltage.
To understand this process, let’s go through an experiment so as to understand the concept of electromagnetic induction.
So here are steps to follow:
~ You have to connect the multimeter and then to the coil. You need to set the most sensitive and accurate DC voltage.
~ Then, set the DC voltage range. You need magnet for this experiment so use a magnet and move it very slowly to and from one end of the electromagnet.
~ Make sure you are making note of the polarity and the magnitude of the induced voltage.
~ Compare the results of the same magnet when it is moved from the other end of the coil.
~ Now, do it with a permanent magnet and observe.
Sometimes, you have to note that while using an analog multimeter, you should take the help of the jumper wires and then use it when you are taking the permanent magnet observation. This is because the strong magnetic field from the permanent magnet strongly influences the working of the analog multimeter. That’s why shift to the digital meters.
Thus, with this experiment we can understand electromagnetic induction well. You will learn the relationship between the magnetic field of the magnet and the induced voltage.