Basic Antenna Trainer Manufacturers
Kotech Export offers a wide range of Antenna Trainers including low cost superior quality basic antenna trainer which is a PC Based Manual Antenna Trainer has been designed to provide useful tools for hands on experimentation and teaching of various commonly used antennas in UHF-Microwave band in the laboratory for students of all levels. It can be used in stand-alone mode. In this system, receiving antenna is rotated manually from 0 to 360 degrees and accordingly the signal strength can be monitored on the Receiver. It comes with a Polar plotting software for storing readings manually.
The system consists of a set of two tripods one for mounting the transmitting antenna and another for mounting the receiving antenna, 11 Antennas, RF Transmitter / Receiver, Antenna Plotting Software and relevant accessories/ cables.
~ Variation of field strength with distance.
~ Plot radiation pattern of omni directional antenna.
~ Plot radiation pattern of directional antenna.
~ Polarization of vertical and horizontal antenna.
~ Study resonant and non resonant antenna.
~ Demonstrate reciprocity theorem of antennas.
~ Study current distribution along the element of antenna.
~ Study different antennas polar plots, radiation patterns, gain, beam width, front back ratio.
~ Comparison of different antennas.
RF Transmitter:
~ Frequency : 600-750 MHz continuously variable
~ Output Impedance : 75 Ohms
~ RF Level : 100 dBuVTypical
~ Power Supply : 230V @ 50 Hz
RF Receiver:
~ Frequency : 610 MHz Helical band Pass Filter
~ Bandwidth : 5 Mhz
~ Input Impedance : 75 Ohms
~ Measurement : RF level in dBuV with 0.1dB resolution
~ Display : 3 ½ LCD
~ Dynamic Range : 50 dB Log
~ Power Supply : 230V @ 50 Hz
SkillStar, SLS
Blue, Brown
Large, Medium, Small